Related News
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s lives and had a dramatic impact on the economy. Businesses have been forced to shut down, cancel events, and/or restrict their operations. Individuals have been forced to shelter in place. This interruption of “normal” has had detrimental impacts individuals and companies.
Our attorneys’ focused practices are helping clients survive and navigate this difficult time. This work includes:
- Evaluating and prosecuting insurance coverage claims for policyholders (e.g., business income/interruption, civil authority, contingent business time element/dependent business income, communicable disease, event policy, supply chain, trade credit, worker’s comp, D&O, and CGL);
- Advising what to expect next from IDEM and/or the EPA in the enforcement and permitting arenas; and
- Advising business on contractual obligations in light of COVID-19, (e.g., force majeure clauses).
Please find below helpful information on these topics and other issues surrounding COVID-19. Stay safe.
Indiana COVID-19-Related Executive Orders
- Relating to Carryout Consumption of Alcohol
- Enforcement of In-Person Dining Directive
- Relating to the Continuity of Operation of Government
- Directive For Hoosiers To Stay At Home (“Shelter in Place” directive)
- Rescheduling The Primary Election
- Temporary Prohibition on Eviction and Foreclosures
- Helping Hoosiers During The Public Health Emergency Declared For The Coronavirus 2019 Disease Outbreak
- Orders and Directives to Various State Agencies
- Waiver of Hours Restrictions for Commercial Drivers
- Declaration Of Public Health Emergency
National Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Interim Guidance for Business and Employers
- Interim Guidance for Community and Faith-Based Organizations
- Resources for Large Community Events and Gatherings
- Schools, Workplaces and Community
- Interim Guidance for Higher Education Administrators
- Interim Guidance for K-12 and Childcare Program Administrators
- Environmental Cleaning and Disinfecting Recommendations
- Communication Resources
- Information for Travel
World Health Organization (WHO)
U.S. Small Business Administration
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
State and Local Resources
Indiana State Department of Health
Marion County Public Health Department
Joseph County Department of Health
Indiana Small Business Administration
Indiana State Chamber of Commerce
Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce
South Bend Regional Chamber of Commerce
PSRB COVID-19 Response Team
Insurance Coverage:
George Plews
Greg Gotwald
Ryan Leagre
or any of our other numerous insurance coverage lawyers found here
Peter Racher
Chris Braun
Amy Romig
Chris Braun
Peter Racher
Jonathan Emenhiser